Ordering Information
Here you will find everything you need to know to start the journey with your very own custom handmade instrument. Below are the pricelists for each type of instrument. You can download the specific form, mark the options that you want and e-mail the form to jamesmartininstruments@gmail.com. You can include any other customisations or queries in the mail also. We can amend any changes that you require. We will in return send you an invoice with the final amount, including any shipping charges, and you can proceed then if you wish.
Worldwide, fully insured shipping is available. Please state delivery details in e-mail and we will include shipping costs in your quote.
Some terms & conditions:
A non-refundable deposit of 25% is required to secure your build slot.
No build will start until deposit is received.
Final payment is due upon collection of your instrument unless you wish to make instalment payments during the build process.
Payment can be made via credit/debit card, bank transfer, postal order or cash.
A case is supplied with every instrument.
Our time-frame for completion of build will only be an estimate as at times there can be a waiting list but deposit secures your build slot.
All woods, hardware etc are all subject to availability. Changes may have to be made if a particular item is unavailable but you will be notified beforehand. We do try our utmost best to give the customer what they want and explore every possible avenue before we have to make any changes.
Guitar Pricelist
This pricelist can be downloaded, edited and emailed to us to place your order or to get a quote for a custom handcrafted guitar.
Octave Mandolin Pricelist
This pricelist can be downloaded, edited and emailed to us to place your order or to get a quote for a custom handcrafted octave mandolin.
Bouzouki Pricelist
This pricelist can be downloaded, edited and emailed to us to place your order or to get a quote for a custom handcrafted bouzouki.